This form should not be completed on a network or device that you believe has been compromised.

Your submission may be anonymous and will not be tied to your name or email address

Report a cyber incident to FOCSC:

The FOCSC will use the information collected on the FOCSC Form to investigate the incident and may provide information to law enforcement and other government agencies.

The FOCSC is an online resource that helps people report cybercrime.

The FOCSC Form is the primary way to report an incident, and it allows people to provide details about what happened and what personal information may have been compromised.

The FOCSC Form also collects information about the victim, including contact information and a description of the incident.

The FOCSC will use the information collected to investigate the incident and may provide information to law enforcement and other government agencies.

This form should not be completed on a network or device that you believe has been compromised.

Write a Cyber Incident Report 

This form should not be completed on a network or device that you believe has been compromised.